Monday, August 15, 2005

oh goodness

I started my new job today and I am so thankful that I met my quota for selling jeans and I didn't even know I had a quota. Plus , I love the dress code, but I am pretty sure I may have fractured my foot bones after wearing my heels on marble. Haha.

After all the insanity leading up to my first day of work, I am relieved that it went well. God gave me peace, finally...but I should have remembered He always does. I am recognizing that I have been having some serious anxiety issues, the source is unbeknowst to me. But a sucessful first day has a certain burden-lifting effect. That, and having someone in your life who would walk you into work if they could and hold your hand, but instead pray with you the whole drive to work. [I had my eyes open so I did not crash my car ;) ] Anyways, God is always faithful to me, I have no idea why I doubt Him at all.

Oh what a tangled web we weave..."