Wednesday, September 21, 2005

as my head swims

I do not understand Godel sentences. Either I am dumb at philosophical apologetics or my professor's lofty language is just uninterpretable.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Kung Fu Hustle

This past weekend I was subjected to some of the most tasteless cinematic roll I have ever experienced. I felt terrible since it is a movie that people I care about deeply thouroughly enjoy this movie...yet I did not. So, I have watched this movie and come to the similar opinion of Carin. I thought it was garish and insipid. I apologize profusely to anyone I may have offended.

I also went to a Chiefs game which was an interesting commentary on human behavior, but I had a blast. Apparently, the fight chant for the team is "We're gonna beat the Hell outta you! YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU!"... and they did.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I wish airplanes had wireless

I recently got the privilege of flying in to Chicago O'Hare when the sun was setting and out when dusk had set. I have to say, from thoudands of feet, Chicago is one of the most beautful cities in twilight. There are moments like that where I, and I may be the only one, have some odd things on my mind besides the unique beauty outside the small window. I always wonder who is watching my airplane. At that moment someone is seeing us from the opposite perspective and the paths of our lives have crossed. Are they wishing they were on this plane, no matter where it is going? I often wish I were on the planes that I see above me and I wonder if they are wondering back.

Also, I could have been so much more productive if airplanes had wireless. Oh well I suppose that they are being wise. Although, if I know myself at all I probably would have stared out the window anyway. Sometimes that is just what you need... simply to stare out the window. The mind can be most entertaining.