Saturday, October 22, 2005

sometimes windows can't be opened

I think that in some ways fall break was bad for me. I feel weary and basically frustrated. I want to enjoy life to its fullest, so what on Earth in holding me back? myself? I am trying my best to sieze hold of this time in my life because I know it will be over in an instant and yet I cannot help looking to the future to another time and another place. Maybe the inner army child is aching for change and adventure. "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired" I feel like life has so much more to offer sometimes and then other times I feel undoubtedly happy and content. Maybe its just a phase, maybe its because I am sick and everythiing feels harder when you don't feel well. This dorm room epitomizes how my life feels today. You can't open the window.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ok~ I deemed it time for a new post, and yet I found myself sharing in the common experience of not having anything profound to share. Oh well. I will most likely have plenty to say when I return from seeing my parents in Pennsylvania [which I am beyond excited about].

I am as excited to go back to my family as a child is in the hotel room the night before she goes into Disney World for the first time...
thats pretty excited.

Fare thee well. The semester is half over.

"Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we fully trust."
-George McDonald

Monday, October 03, 2005

Pi Zeta Phi ~ rocks?

So after rush MONTH, I have a achieved approved social status among the girls in Pi Zeta Phi social club. Do not get me wrong, I am ecstatic to be associated with this amazing, fun, and Godly group of girls. The problem is that now it is Pledge Week. I am fairly confident that I will sufficiently run out of time to breathe, let alone sleep. I am aware that I will probably never forget this week, I just hope that it is a fond and amusing reminisce and not look back on regretting how I used my time.

This requires much prayer, hind sight is 20/20 and I am also aware that this could quite possibly one of the dumbest stresses I have ever had. [ Yeah, thats right, it doesn't even get to be called a problem, just a stress. ]

I hope you are all well!!

Sam and Doug, I miss you both terribly and I hope you are well!