Monday, April 03, 2006

the existence of a universal moral law

It is a fascinating thing to play with in your mind... the existence of moral law. Thus, since a paper which counts for fifty percent of my grade is required in my Studies in C.S. Lewis class... and Lewis addresses this topic frequently... its my topic. My only hope is that it proves to be as interesting of a paper in reality as it is in my head. I am including the ideas of Kant and using mostly primary sources like letters, The Abolition of Man, Mere Christianity, and Out of the Silent Planet.

The bummer is that I just had to give a speech about my research. I hate public speaking. It was a really great speach. Clear and concise, but thoughtful and rich in information that supported my thesis. The problem was that I could not keep my leg from shaking which distracted me, I lost my place, stumbled over my bash on post-modern thought, and there you have it... I don't have my grade yet. Somehow I feel as awkward as I did when I was in junior high. Then I get annoyed at people who are so good at public speaking. I think it's a genetic mutation.

Oh well. thast pretty much why I will choose the career path full of one on one personal conversations and behind the scenes control. :)

1 comment:

Mikethelawstudent said...

That would be cool if you could genetically breed public speaking dummies as candidates who would do exactly what their campaign manager told them to do. It would be like a monkey who looks good and who people would like. But behind the scenes their would be some one like Carl Rove (or you) who could control them. And of course you would have to have someone who would do the actuall job should the candidate get elected.