Tuesday, February 14, 2006

WIll you be my Valentine?

I, for one, love Valentine's Day. I hear all the time how it is commercialized and cliche' and lacks meaning...basically forced romance when it would be sweeter on a normal day. I have heard it called everything from Black Death to Single Awareness Day (SAD)...blah blah blah.

I am prefectly aware that all of that is quite true, and yet.... I still love Valentines Day. I always have, it remains one of my favorite holidays ever since I was a little kid. It may be because my parents made us Valentines breakfast growing up and gave us little gifts in the morning and told us it was about reminding the people you love most how much they mean to you.

At any rate, I have no real reasoning except I may be the most hopeless romantic and complete sucker for cliche' Valentines greetings. Oh well, I embrace Valentines Day. It just makes me smile.

1 comment:

Mikethelawstudent said...

YES I will be your Valentine. BUT NO ONE ELSE! OR ELSE!