Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pretty much just the longest excited onomatopoeia

I am ENGAGED, how exciting is that? I think its funny that everyone knew about it before I did and it makes my previous post about Valentines day kinda ironic. And I must say that it was the most wonderful proposal ever. For anyone to understand the brilliance of it, they must first understand that Mike and I always take walks. It is our "thing" ever since we were first dating. The walk is always the same route around campus and then to this pier by a pond next to the school. As cheesy as it may sound, we have frequently discussed that we fell in love at that pond. We have had so many deep discussions, little moments, dances, fights, make ups, movies, and just sending alone time in a quiet place there. It is also important to know that my mom has a journal that she kept when she was first married and then when she first had me. I love that journal, and even though it has only a few entries, it means a lot to me. when we were in Books a Million several weeks ago, I saw a beautiful journal that I briefly mentioned I woudl like to have to start my own journal now to give to my daughter someday. Note all of this it will come back into play later in the story.

February 14th 2006...
Mike and I have our first class together so he called me to tell me that he had left is book for class in my car so I went to get fully knowing that it was just a cute way to get me out there and sure enough... a pretty beaded box of handmade truffles and a card that almost made me cry were in the front seat. I loved it becuase I was expecting just a simple Valentines Day since I knew we were saving. Fast forward to six o'clock...

I got his gift all ready since I had not given him his, and we met to go to dinner at Macaroni Grill [where he had made reservations] , he took me there last year an its one of our favorite places. Mike showed up in a suit looking very handsome and I gave him the chess set and photo I had for him and he hands me the journal that I had looked at several weeks ago! I was so surprised he remebered and he wrote inside about how he hoped that it would contain Our Story. I was thrilled, it was so thoughtful.

So, we went to dinner and it was fabulous [as Italian food always is] and it was a beautiful evening. I thought we were going to see Pride and Predjudice since it was at the dollar theater. [this made me very happy, I really wanted to see it] It didn't start until 9:35 and we got back from dinner at 8 so since we had time to kill, Mike suggested we go on our walk. I grabbed a coat and we left. [this is the good part]

We started talking about all the memories we had on this little walk we go on almost everyday and about the very first time we walked there and he told em how beautiful my eyes were and totally missed the chance to grab my hand. [how cute] ANYWAY~ he stops at the place where we had our first kiss and he gives me a card about first kisses and tells me he loves me. [awww] Well, Mike proceeded to stop at several places during our walk where we have special memories and give me a card at each one. [I still didn't pick up on it, I just thought that this was a fun game he thought up, :) ]

As we continued on our walk, I knew where we would end up... at the pond. Honestly, though, I just thought that we were going to kill some more time before the movie and make out on the pier a little bit. :) We were having the sweetest conversation about all of our memories on this pier when we arrived and I saw that there was a blanket on the pier with candles all around it. There was a bottle of sparking grape juice and two goblets with a red rose... and just as it dawned on me what was going on, he got on one knee and gave a speech I don't remember because of the tears, but I do remember when he said, "Elizabeth Ann Siltman, would you be my wife?"

I now have this beautiful white gold marquise solitaire on my left hand.


Meg said...

So, I totally didn't realize you had a blog. I guess everyone does now, maybe it's the cool thing to do. haha. Well, I have a xanga...mine is
Love you girly! and congratulations for like the millionth time, I'm soo happy for you guys.

Doug said...

Liz, what happiness. Reading that really increased my happiness abou tthe whole situation. It's even better than I had hoped. Love you guys.