Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ok~ I deemed it time for a new post, and yet I found myself sharing in the common experience of not having anything profound to share. Oh well. I will most likely have plenty to say when I return from seeing my parents in Pennsylvania [which I am beyond excited about].

I am as excited to go back to my family as a child is in the hotel room the night before she goes into Disney World for the first time...
thats pretty excited.

Fare thee well. The semester is half over.

"Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we fully trust."
-George McDonald


Mikethelawstudent said...

GOIN TO PENNSYLVANIA!! WOOHOO YEEEAH AAAARRRRGG...stubbed my toe on the last AAAARRRGGG (not really im really in bible class)

Mikethelawstudent said...

Um you should post OK?!

Carin said...

do you remember me??? I am starting to forget what your face looks like... its like we are miles away...
I love you