Sunday, June 19, 2005

Forever Friends?

I went camping this weekend and I had more fun than I expected. The last time I went camping, I was in Venice, Italy. I am just not a camping person. Don't get me wrong, I love being outdoors...but camping hard core? eh, not so much. But I had so much fun this weekend! I am as red as a lobster and very tired, but oh what fun. The only downfall was certain people who chose to engage in excessive table talk and cheat at spades (it got them nowhere, we won anyway). Ah well, I digress. It made me think a lot about who I choose to surround myself with, who I choose to cherish, who I choose to admire and maintain relationships with. It made me think about who will end up being my life long friends. hmmm. This is interesting to speculate about, although I am aware that anything may happen and we will never know, or believe, what the future holds, but still... I think I can at least garuntee a few relationships that I simply could not imagine not still being a part of my life when I am old. Anyway, just thinking and wanting to blog.

OH! by the way- I think it is hilarious that apparently the Backstreet Boys have a new song out?! I wasn't aware they were still together... it is just like seventh grade all over again! HAHAHAHAHA. I find that incredibly amusing, maybe I am just spent too much time in the sun after all. :)

Mike, I miss you more than you know.

1 comment:

Carin said...

camping is not for the faint of heart. and people who camp for more than one night are just crazy. Ill accept no other explanation for people who own a house with a bed and sleep outside on the ground for no reason. If its all about the hot dogs and s'mores... have a bonfire people.

and just for the record there are some friends you will never be rid of, because well I simply wont have it and that just wouldnt work for me. I love you! you are amazing and beautiful and smart and dont forget it!