Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mental block or mental breakdown?

Before this semester, if someone had asked me if I would rather write a paper or take a test, I would have chosen the paper without hesitation. Sadly, now as I procrastinate further by blogging about how much I dont want to write this paper, I am at a loss for words.

It is almost sad because this has the potential to be a really interesting paper, but I am not doing my thesis justice. In fact, I am a page in to it and I have nothing left to say. I feel blocked.

There was so much I wanted to write about but I cannot think of anything worth saying, my analysis of this profound work is medicore at best.

Normally I adore C.S. Lewis, and I beleive at some point he will continue to be my favorite author. But tonight, and probably this semester, I am drowning in his words.


Carin said...

I'm begginning to realize or believe that being forced to be profound has and does block any sort of creativity and crticial thinking we would have been able to do. I agree. I hate it. HATE it. I'm glad that you are in my cheering section for this semester. I'll either pass or die trying. Its odd how perfection is not even on my agenda this time.
down with Lamascus!

Mikethelawstudent said...

I happen to be a big fan of lamascus...(just in case a certain amazing prof reads blogs) now that the shameless brown nosing is done, I know you happen to be profound no matter what the situation and will do supurb.