Saturday, October 22, 2005

sometimes windows can't be opened

I think that in some ways fall break was bad for me. I feel weary and basically frustrated. I want to enjoy life to its fullest, so what on Earth in holding me back? myself? I am trying my best to sieze hold of this time in my life because I know it will be over in an instant and yet I cannot help looking to the future to another time and another place. Maybe the inner army child is aching for change and adventure. "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired" I feel like life has so much more to offer sometimes and then other times I feel undoubtedly happy and content. Maybe its just a phase, maybe its because I am sick and everythiing feels harder when you don't feel well. This dorm room epitomizes how my life feels today. You can't open the window.


Mikethelawstudent said...

Maybe you should throw a chair through your I talking metaphorically or literally? YOU"LL NEVER KNOW!!!

Doug said...

Yeah, it's probably the army child yearning to break free from the coffin in which you've nailed it. Let it out, Liz. Let that army child out!
Here are some suggestions:
Begin carrying a rifle to class. Shoot your dumb poli-sci professors. Change dorm rooms every two months. Don't inform anyone that you're doing so, simply do it. "Who are you?"
"I'm Elizabeth. I just moved here."
"But that is my bed."
"Look, thiings are really hard for me right now, okay? Moving isn't easy. Could you just not be difficult?"
If the girl protests, wield your concealed hand gun and shoot her in the face.

Just a few suggestions. If I knew anything at all about being an army child, I could come up with some better ones. Oh well.

I had a great time seeing you two the other week. Will I get to see you guys over thanksgiving(crossing fingers)? Well take care. I hope life gets better for you. If the window won't open, just break it. Who needs windows anyway?