Monday, October 03, 2005

Pi Zeta Phi ~ rocks?

So after rush MONTH, I have a achieved approved social status among the girls in Pi Zeta Phi social club. Do not get me wrong, I am ecstatic to be associated with this amazing, fun, and Godly group of girls. The problem is that now it is Pledge Week. I am fairly confident that I will sufficiently run out of time to breathe, let alone sleep. I am aware that I will probably never forget this week, I just hope that it is a fond and amusing reminisce and not look back on regretting how I used my time.

This requires much prayer, hind sight is 20/20 and I am also aware that this could quite possibly one of the dumbest stresses I have ever had. [ Yeah, thats right, it doesn't even get to be called a problem, just a stress. ]

I hope you are all well!!

Sam and Doug, I miss you both terribly and I hope you are well!


Carin said...

I do agree. This week has been one of the most ridiculous stresses I have encountered as well. I am trying to quench the "what was I thinking" that keeps going through my mind. I love you, I thought that Pi would mean we would see each other more, so much for that.

Doug said...

Liz, how are you? I just got Mike's message...I plan to come down to see you two wonderful people. If that's still alright...and I assume it is since I really did just get his message.