"Much-Afraid stared at him in amazement. 'Go to the High Places,' she exclaimed, 'and live there? Oh, if only I could! For months past the longing has never left me. I think of it day and night, but it is not possible. I could never get there. I am too lame.' She looked down at her malformed feet as she spoke, and her eyes filled with tears and despair and self-pity. 'These mountains are so steep and dangerous, I have been told that only hinds and deer can move on them safely.'
'It is quite true that the way up to the High Places is both difficult and dangerous,' Said the Shepherd. 'It has to be, so that nothing which is the enemy of Love can make the ascent and invade the Kingdom. Nothing blemished or in any way imperfect is allowed there, and the inhabitants of the High Places do need hinds' feet...I promise to help you develop hinds feet...' "
From Hinds' Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard.
all should read this beautiful allegory, it touches the aching heart.