Monday, May 23, 2005

"...L is for the way you look at me..." Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

What's in a name?

My dear friend Carin proposed a rather perplexing idea to me recently. I found it hilarious but worthy of ponder, so I ask my friends who read my blog...

to quote her ...ish, "In approximatley fifteen years when my life gets around to me having kids, what about the name Juliet Evangeline? I mean, can you really do that, mix Shakespeare and Longfellow? I fear she would be doomed to tragedy, but what's in a name really...? ..."


carin, if i misquoted you, feel free to correct me..... :)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A new friend...

Ok, well no one has commented on my last couple of blogs, but I will get over it.

I just wanted to share with someone my new big secret... lol!!

So, my roommate and I were both feeling emotional so we decided to take a walk and chat, you know, solve all the worlds problems... plus, "excercise makes endorphines, and endorphines make you happy... and , well, happy people don't kill thier husbands!!"

Well, a little dog begaan to follow us who is sweet and cute and looks shockingly like my favorite late dog Chloe, just a smaller version. To, make a long story short, we fell in love with her, named her Belle and now we are hiding her in our "pet free" apartment until my mom comes and adopts her.

So, Dacia and I get a fun friend to keep us distracted and my family gets a much needed replacement puppy.

Oh we only live once, why not smuggle a puppy and enjoy the cuddles. :)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

summer plans

In my new apartment this week... if I can get over the fact that it was filthy when I moved in, its great! Got a job today too... 8-5 M-F that should bring interesting adventures to blog about...
So, I am officially INDEPENDENT ... hmmm, could be fun.